Saturday, March 15, 2014
Frege: Hello Java
I have moved my blog to here:
My first post on the new page: Frege: Hello Java
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Porting Haskell's Finite Domain Solver to Frege
I learnt a lot from reading that code. So I thought, instead of trying a solver from scratch, why not port(read it as copy-paste :)) this to Frege? I have ported some Java classes to Frege but never attempted a Haskell library to Frege. This is my first attempt at that and it works great!
First, the Sudoku Solver module which is an application of the finite domain solver, explained here in another post A Haskell Sudoku Solver using Finite Domain Constraints:
This is almost the same as Haskell. There are two changes though from the Haskell version:- Line 7 in Haskell: sudoku puzzle = runFD $ do but in Frege, it results in compilation error (not sure, why Frege parses it different).
- Line 10: the lambda parameters in Haskell: \x n -> ... whereas in Frege, each parameter must be preceded by '\' hence it will be \x \n.
Next, the main module FD in Frege:
The main problem porting this module from Haskell to Frege is the missing IntSet, StateT, MonadState, MonadTrans in the standard library. So the lines from 150-208 are copy-pastes from Haskell library with few changes (apart from the syntax changes mentioned for the Sudoku module above):- MonadState in Haskell introduces Functional Dependency which Frege doesn't support yet. So I just specialized all the functions involving MonadState to (FD s) (lines 169, 207,208)
- In instance declarations, the constraints come after the class name (line 154, for example)
- newtype in Haskell is just regular type in Frege where the constructor has only one field (StateT declaration at line 152, for example)
- Haskell derives instances automatically for 'newtype's but Frege derives instances only for Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded and Show. So we have to manually derive Monad, MonadPlus for the (FD s) in the above module. But in this module, even for Eq, Ord, I had to manually derive because the constraints were generated even for the phantom type variable in FD while deriving automatically.
- Unlike in Haskell, the field names for records are not global-scoped in Frege. So while referencing, the field names must be prefixed with either type name or with the record instance itself. Example:
line 35 for prefixing with record type: FDState.varSupply s
line 36 for prefixing with record variable itself: v.unFDVar
- In this module, I have added all missing types/classes/instances (StateT,MonadTrans) except IntSet which is really huge. So I created that module in a seperate source file from Haskell source. In that module, I had to remove all preprocessor directives and I replaced .&. and .|. (bitwise 'and/or') with 'band' and 'bor' in Frege and 'shiftRL', 'shiftLL' with 'bshr', 'bshl'.
For complete source code:
Sunday, July 15, 2012
A Frege Servlet
First, we need to create native declarations in Frege for the Java classes and methods that we are interested in. For this example, we will be defining data types for HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, HttpServlet classes and an implementation for Servlet's doGet method.
In HttpServletRequest class, we will be encoding getParameter method. The type signature for that method,
Since this method could return null in case of missing parameters from the request, the return type is Maybe String. Frege automatically handles null if the return type is "Maybe".
Now let us declare a getWriter function to it's native counterpart in HttpServletResponse class.
Since HttpServletResponse.getWriter method can throw IOException and since it is not a pure method, the return type is IO (Exception PrintWriter).
The definitions for ServletContext and HttpServlet are not of much interest since we are not going to use any of the methods from those classes for this example.
The definition of doGet function is where we are actually writing to response. From the signature of the function, it takes a servlet, a request and a response instance and returns IO () since it is a side-effect function which doesn't return any value. Another important point is that the parameter names are prefixed by bang character which makes the parameters strict which would otherwise be all lazy since Frege is by default lazy.
The last missing piece is how do we specify a servlet class in web.xml? I don't really know yet in Frege how to create a named class that extends a Java class. So I created the servlet in Scala which will forward the request to our doGet function defined in Frege.
Here FregeServlet.doGet(this, request, response) calls the doGet function defined in FregeServlet module and returns an IO lambda. Then we call that IO action by passing an arbitrary integer representing the real world. Here the Scala's support for 'apply' method is helpful.FregeServlet.doGet(this, request, response)(realWorld)is actually
FregeServlet.doGet(this, request, response).apply(realWorld)where the doGet function defined in Frege module returns frege.rt.Lambda which has an apply method. The final method call _e is to evaluate the lazy value which is where the IO action is actually executed and our response is sent to the client. We can add this class as servlet in web.xml and point to the servlet URL to see the Frege/Scala servlet in action.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Brush your code!
1) Copy and paste the following just before '</head>'in the blog template
You don't need to include all the 'shBrushxxx.js' scripts. Just include the brushes you need for your blogs. The scripts in the format are inbuilt brushes. The last "<script>" is the one I created for the language 'Frege'. Yon can refer this guide on creating new brushes:
2) After step 1 (You have included all the css and scripts for brushes), you can use it in your blogs like this ('Edit html' for your blog), or You can use "script" method: The difference is that when you use "script", your contents will be automatically html-escaped whereas in "pre" method, you need to escape those special characters.
3) If you want to customize some styles, you can add it before "]]></skin>" like this, The last style "syntaxhighlighter" is to disable scrollbars in chrome which adds scrollbars even when there is nothing to scroll. IE and firefox correctly render without scrollbars.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Hello World Frege!
As I am practicing Frege along with Haskell and Frege is still relatively new, I thought it would be a good idea to share my experience with Frege.
Getting started:
FregIDE Eclipse plugin is still at basic level but is really usable and a good way to start with Frege. The plugin installation details can be found here: Frege requires JRE 7 so even after following the instructions on the page, if you still do not see Frege Builder/Preferences enabled in Eclipse, try starting your Eclipse with "-vm" argument pointing to your JRE 7. Now, the "Hello World"
module Main where main _ = println "Hello World"
Yes, I know that is not much interesting. How about implementing a function from Haskell?
In Haskell, there is a function "getLine" which reads a line from standard input. Now lets implement that function in Frege using Java's IO classes.
Haskell's 'getLine' using Java's methods:
import frege.IO --Reads a line from standard input device getLine :: IO String getLine = do isin <- stdin isrin <- isin brin <- IO.BufferedReader.fromISR isrin line <- brin.readLine return $ fromExceptionMaybe line fromExceptionMaybe :: Exception (Maybe a) -> a fromExceptionMaybe (Right (Just r)) = r fromExceptionMaybe (Right _) = error "get on Nothing" fromExceptionMaybe (Left l) = error l.getMessage --Native reference to Java's parseInt pure native parseInt java.lang.Integer.parseInt :: String -> Int main _ = do line <- getLine println $ parseInt line
Here as you can see, we have defined 'getLine' using Java's Classes, InputStreamReader, BufferedReader, Exception along with Haskell goodies Maybe and Either (through Exception). The parseInt function is declared with native reference to Java's 'parseInt' method from 'Integer' class and since it is a pure method, the types are straight-forward otherwise we would be using ST monad for those native declarations.
Happy Haskelling on JVM!